Francesca Heathcoate Sapey

Based in Madrid, Francesca is a partner of Teresa Sapey + Partners- a firm renowned for designing spaces with feelings and developing bespoke projects that provide high quality experiences. She also works as an external consultant internationally on ad hoc urbanism projects. Following her degree in Architecture, and later an MA in Cultural and Critical Studies, Francesca obtained the MSc in Urban Design and City Planning at The Bartlett (UCL) in London. She is active in networks such as Young Urbanists (Academy of Urbanism), Architects E17, and the MSc UDCP Alumni Group at UCL. Currently, Francesca is also a member of the Urban Land Institute (ULI), of the Spanish Association of Technical Urbanists (AETU) and Women in Reals Estate (WIRES). Invited guest-speaker, lecturer and published author, her interests include ephemeral architecture and brand identity, marketplaces as socio-economic enablers, as well as meanwhile uses and early site activation, among many others.